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Tutor: The importance of Tutor free slots and peak hours
Tutor: The importance of Tutor free slots and peak hours
Azeeza avatar
Written by Azeeza
Updated over a year ago
  • What are free slots?

Free slots are time slots which need to be booked by the tutor to show their availability. In other words, free slots are times that the tutor is free to take up a lesson. Tutors must update their free slots regularly to receive lessons/students. When you book your free slots, the students assigned to you and the support team can easily book you for lessons. Please note that all regular/trial lessons will be automatically booked based on your updated free slots. (There won’t be double checking (duplication) as you have already indicated this slot as available.) Our system is fully automated based on free slots!

If you are to be on available for trials status , tutors must have the following minimum number of free slots during (Peak hours) updated in their tutor schedule.

Number of students

Minimum number of free slots


21 free slots per week during peak hours

(There must be minimum 3 free slots from Monday to Friday and you can distribute the rest during weekdays or weekends.

1 - 10

14 free slots per week during peak hours.

(There must be minimum 2 free slots from Monday to Friday and you can distribute the rest during weekdays or weekends.)

> 10

07 free slots per week during peak hours.

(There must be minimum 1 free slot from Monday to Friday and you can distribute the rest during weekdays or weekends.)

  • What are the peak hours?

Peak hours are lesson time slots with high demand from students. Peak hours are weekdays (Mon - Fri) from 3 PM SGT to 11 PM SGT, Weekends from 9 AM to 8 PM SGT.

  • Why is the system fully automated based on free slots?

Benefits for students

Benefits for tutors

Trial lessons are automatically booked by the platform based on the tutor’s free slots

Less time wasted by tutors frequently providing and confirming availability

Lessons are auto booked by students using tutor free slots

Reduces manual intervention by Tutopiya staff and duplicating back and forth communication

Reduces waiting time for lesson bookings

Students are able auto book lessons using your free slots immediately once the payment is done

  • How to update free slots?

Go to “My schedule” tab and click on the “Add free slots” button. This should give you the following screen.

  1. To add a free slot: Click on the time slots you are available (you are free to choose options from the peak hours ) and then click the “Save” button.

  2. To remove a free slot: Click on the time slots you need to remove and then click the “Save” button.

  • Is it mandatory to have free slots during weekends?

No, but you are free to give availability if you wish to, as there are students who prefer to take lessons on weekends.

(Saturdays and Sundays are considered as weekend at Tutopiya)

  • Is it mandatory to have free slots during weekdays?

Yes. Tutors must have the minimum availability during weekdays (Monday to Friday)

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